After 2 weeks of torture, I have finally finished this book. (20 years late, I know) I must say - it has been an interesting journey and I do wish to share it with you:
1. I'm the weird girl who still reads from a physical book. So, it always amazes people on the street when I walk past them engrossed in a novel. They feel that this is an open invitation to comment on my strange behavior. With this novel, all I have been hearing is "oh I love that book!" or "I've read the whole series, how do you like it so far?"

2. I don't like giving my opinion on a book until I've read the entire thing. As a writer (okay so one book may not qualify me as a writer but still...), I don't think it's fair to critique something if you don't get the entire experience. I was going to give a "middle of the book update" a while back but decided against it. Now that I'm finally done, I feel a bit better about what I'm going to say.
A. The plot is engaging and a page turner.
B. The details are very gory, involves incest and misogyny and a nice boatload of sadomasochism.

Normally, I wouldn't care if a book had this focus because that's just the story the author is telling. But, I just find it very odd that SO many people LOVED this book. Either they are trying to "fit in" with the current bandwagon craze, secretly love reading about those kinds of details or might just be real literary critics (yeah okay). Anyway, because I fall in the category of the last one, I'll be reading the next two in this series and hoping I can read in peace.
If you read it and disagree with what I've said - feel free to tell me...
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