But, there are two people, in my two favorite categories, who I absolutely wish I had the workaholic strength to be like.
Literature = Anthony Trollope
Music = Nancy Wilson
Anthony Trollope was one of the most successful, prolific and respected English novelists of the Victorian era.
He wrote his earliest novels while working as a Post Office inspector, occasionally dipping into the "lost-letter" box for ideas. He wrote a total of 78 published works (consisting of both short story and novel) and published sometimes 3 or 4 novels a year. My favorite by him is "The Claverings".

- And if you follow the link of this picture, it will take you to another blog which has a very interesting literary essay on Trollope and his works.
Most of the NYT Bestselling Authors don't accomplish more than one book in a year!
Nancy Wilson is an American jazz singer, with nicknames such as "Sweet Nancy", "Fancy Miss Nancy" and "The Girl with the Honey-Coated Voice". She has won three Grammys but has put out more than 70 FREAKING ALBUMS!!! Not even my idol, Prince, over four decades, has that many CDs. Again, she's hitting you with two, three, sometimes four albums in a year.

These two make accomplishments of today, pish posh. I'm sweating and losing sleep over publishing one, little novel that has taken me years to write. And these two...flick of a light switch and they are done! Ah, I know it isn't that simple and they worked harder than hard, and for that I admire tremendously.