I have several magazine idols that I'm inspired by and have admiration for: And yes, these are ranked in order.
1. Toure (Awesome journalist!!!!!!)
2. Elliot Wilson (formerly EIC of XXL Magazine)
3. Noah Callahan-Bever (Complex Magazine)
4. Samantha Moeller - founder of MissBehave Magazine (although it's not in circulation anymore)
Toure is the mofo man!!! He has been around the block and circled it three times over. Earning his stars and stripes from Rolling Stone, The Village Voice, Vibe magazine and now multimedia outlets such as BET, he is the epitome of what I deem a successful journalist. I look to his words of wisdom often and have attempted to follow in his footsteps.

For some reason unknown to me, his website is now nonexistent but here's a sample of some of his work...here.
Now, let me premise by saying that I didn't follow everything that Elliot did before going to the XXL Magazine. But once he was named Editor in Chief, I did my little research back into his prior accomplishment and must say, I was thoroughly impressed. (Source Magazine, Ego Trip)

I don't know if I have the space to inform you on how great of a writer and creative visionary he is. This man has been in the hip hop arena for 1,000 years and still continues to hold it down strong. Currently, he is the Editor in Chief of Complex Magazine (which I absolutely love) and has been holding down the hip hop journalism since about 1997. He has an entire website dedicated to his prior work as a journalist, before Complex, and many of his entries would be intriguing for the 90s hip hop loving era...here.

A time before her time. She came through with MissBehave Magazine when it was most needed. Due to communication problems among the big dogs, she ended up leaving and dipping into the online frenzy with The Hipster Mom followed by Family Freakout. She is super cool, super trendy and a person to look out for.